Hi, welcome to my website 

I'm breathofagoddess, my name is Cassandra and I'm an avid artist . . .  

I am 21 years of age and I've grown up and live currently in upstate New York. 

Growing up I've been inspired by the beauty of the natural world. One of my favorite quotes describes it best “and into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul” – John Muir. The forest is my home and trees, in ones twos or threes, often show up in my artwork.  The sun and moon is another common symbolism you’ll see in my pieces.  

The majority of my work is inspired by pain and beauty and so it's quite possible my art may provoke that emotion. In my childhood and teenage years I felt defeated by my depression and anxiety. With support and strength I try to balance both pain and beauty everyday in my art and within my heart.